Thursday, July 12, 2007

Crying Over Spilled Herbs

So, a few posts ago I wrote about Miracle Herbs. Well, I suppose it was bound to happen with my rambunctious kids. I heard Krista scream, like she had been hurt. Well, after I saw what happened I think she was scared, not hurt. She didn't know there were herbs inside that little pillow! Now, they didn't stay sad for long. As soon as the vacuum came out they were laughing. This is during "witching hour" (As many moms know comes towards the end of the day before dinner. They get kind of hyper and crazy and cry more easily) Doesn't it just break your heart watching Krista ask for daddy and Ryan cry over his favorite pillow?! And could they be more melodramatic? It looks like I was the director of a staged video!

1 comment:

Shelby said...

How funny! Won't Ryan and Krista love that video-memory when they are older? Cracks me up the things kids do and say!

I am glad for all of Amy Maughan's blog links so I could see your blog too!